B.S. Graduates
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Bachelor of Science 2024
Christian Abbadessa
Barakat Abdul
Alina Abramoff
Aisosa Aigbe
Mohammad Alattas
Karnavaal Al-Rubayie
Isha Arora
Rajdeep Banerjee
Katherine Bim-Merle
Andrew Bliss
Athena Borca
Calista Brady
Molly Brakewood
Justine Burke
Lucas Chamberlin
Phyllis Chang
Michelle Chen
Nicholas Colaw
Maya Devarajan
Ganga Dripaul
Robert Enck
Olivia Geitz
Alessandra Good
Madison Higgins
Logan Holt
Yi-Chen Hsu
Srishti Khetan
Ronit Kumar
Shaili Lakhotia
Asher Lal
Clarice Lim
Javier David Mayorga-Kintanar
Benjamin McLean
Joelle Ohr
Oluwatofunmi Olaore
Rena Park
Josephine Reilly
Silene Reyes
Wade Rianda
Hannah Sanchez
Mardhika Santosa
Will Savage
Alex Senderov
Sanjana Shanmugavel
Lucas Silva
Ashmitha Sivakumar
Anjolaoluwatikitan Solola
Emmanuel Spanos
Samantha Symons
Emma Taigounov
Alexandra Tarzanin
Lily Wiles
Megan Yeh
Nayal Zaidi
Luke Chamberlin, Asher Lal, Javier Mayorga-Kintanar, Wade Rianda, Alex Senderov
More than 60% of U.S. adults who use e-cigarettes are looking to quit. However, this is difficult due to nicotine’s addictive nature and the habit-forming aspect of vapor inhalation. Aire is a water-based vape alternative that enables users to gradually reduce their nicotine intake while mimicking the satisfaction of a traditional e-cigarette. Aerosolization via ultrasonic vibration allows our device to eliminate the harmful byproducts created by heating oil-based e-liquids and enables our e-liquid to be composed of 95% water. Aire empowers individuals to take control of their lung health on their journey to nicotine cessation.
Vascular-Friendly Hemostat
Andrew Bliss, Silene Reyes, Hannah Sanchez, Luke Silva, Manny Spanos
Hemostasis is crucial in every surgical procedure, and a key factor in maintaining a clear surgical field and healthy patient. Existing solutions, such as hemostatic forceps, are bulky and large, blocking line-of-sight and damaging the vessels they clamp. To address these issues, we developed a novel detachable hemostatic clip which minimizes vascular stress and maintains a small profile. Our innovative solution integrates with existing forceps and has demonstrated maintained hemostasis while improving on the shortcomings of conventional hemostats. We believe that our device will improve the surgical workflow in a variety of operations and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
Dreamflow Technologies: ApneAware
Isha Arora, Calista Brady, Samantha Symons, Emma Taigounov, Megan Yeh
Sleep apnea affects one billion people worldwide, leading to obstructed breathing during sleep and an increased risk of life-threatening diseases. The gold standard treatment, the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, is notorious for its bulkiness, discomfort and low patient compliance. Our product, ApneAware, is a battery-powered, portable CPAP accessory, compatible with any CPAP model, that alleviates complaints regarding mask discomfort and noise levels. Using a microphone and algorithm, the device senses when the user is experiencing an apnea. Accordingly, the mask seals to the user’s face and the device provides positive airway pressure only when patients are actively having a sleep apnea episode.
Fall on Call
Molly Brakewood, Ashmitha Sivakumar, Josie Reilly, Mohammad Alattas, Joelle Ohr
According to the CDC, one in four older adults falls each year, resulting in more than 32,000 deaths. Despite this increasingly prevalent issue, studies have found that half of fall-detection device users stop wearing their devices within a year, highlighting a critical need for advancements in fall-detection technology. Our proposed device addresses commonly documented shortcomings of wearable fall-detection devices, offering improvements in automation, comfortability, accuracy, customizability and affordability. By gathering data from Bluetooth-enabled tri-axial gyroscope and accelerometer sensors in a wearable belt, this device connects to algorithms designed with potential capabilities to detect and prevent falls.
Annie Hsu, Ben McLean, Ore Olaore, Kate Bim-Merle, Aisosa Aigbe
Urine tests serve as invaluable diagnostic tools for detecting silent chronic diseases like diabetes and kidney disease, which impact more than 37 million Americans. However, current urinalysis procedures are conducted in clinical settings and entail lengthy result waits, deterring regular screenings due to various logistical barriers. Our solution, FLOWrish, is an automated, at-home urinalysis device that addresses these problems by providing prompt, reliable results and enabling convenient, continuous monitoring of kidney health. With user-friendly components, tele-health and educational features, our device empowers individuals to take proactive control of their health and enhances urinalysis accessibility, enabling individuals to flourish.
Nicholas Colaw, Alessandra Good, Clarice Lim, Mardhi Santosa, Will Savage
Supplemental oxygen is needed for a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Traditionally, the delivery of oxygen relies on a continuous flow of oxygen delivered via a nasal cannula. This method can prove to be both inefficient and uncomfortable for the patient. Our design aims to address these issues by creating a low-cost, inhalation-triggered breathing system coupled with a more comfortable and functional nasal cannula.
Justine Burke, Athena Borca, Ganga Dripaul, Barakat Abdul, Sanjana Shanmugavel
Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality and death among women of childbearing age worldwide. Death from hemorrhage can be prevented with timely care, but hemorrhages often occur in patients with no risk factors and are not diagnosed until bleeding is severe. Our device aims to stop postpartum hemorrhage as soon as it begins, acting as a preventative treatment. Our device is an implantable balloon with a pressure release valve that applies continuous pressure against the walls of the uterus to prevent hemorrhage, while releasing fluid to shrink with the uterus as it naturally contracts down.
Logan Holt, Christian Abbadessa, Phyllis Chang, Shaili Lakhotia, Madison Higgins
As communication needs diversify, the need for faster and more efficient means of communication arises. Healthcare, education, legal and business sectors all could benefit from communication that is faster and more convenient than the traditional keyboard and touch screen. OmniComm is a multifaceted glove device that translates optimized finger motions into alphabetical and symbolic outputs on a Bluetooth app. The software is customizable for different consumer sectors, as each will require a unique set of “fast access” symbols or acronyms in order to maximize efficiency of the device.
Rajdeep Banerjee, Antonio Garces, Anjola Solola, Alexandra Tarzanin
Cortisol level testing is crucial in diagnosing and managing various health conditions. However, traditional tests often involve sending samples to external labs, leading to delays in results (2-7 days). This can hinder diagnosis and treatment initiation. Our proposed solution is Theralink, a one-system automatic cortisol assay designed for rapid, in-clinic testing. It utilizes saliva samples and a disposable cartridge, providing accurate cortisol readings within three hours and 15 minutes.
Alina Abramoff, Karnavaal Al-Rubayie, Michelle Chen, Olivia Geitz, Lily Wiles
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a huge risk for patients with catheters as there is greater bacterial growth in the catheter tubing. More than 80% of all UTIs are caused by indwelling catheters. While treatment with antibiotics has a high probability of success, for many of these patients, detecting an infection early can considerably change the course of their medical care outcomes. Our project developed a revised urinary catheter drainage bag that can detect UTIs from the secreted urine using an X-Gal reaction mechanism. This bag will ultimately replace currently used drainage bags and allow for early detection and treatment of these potentially life-threatening infections.
Maya Devarajan, Srishti Khetan, Ronit Kumar, Rena Park, Nayal Zaidi
Back pain, often caused by poor posture and improper movements, is a prevalent issue that reduces quality of life and increases healthcare costs. SpineAlign is an innovative wearable device designed to enhance back health by continuously monitoring posture and movement. Integrating a shirt or vest embedded with sensors, SpineAlign communicates positional data to an Arduino controller. This setup allows our proprietary algorithm to assess back health in real-time, correlating specific postures with potential strain or pain. The device alerts users to adjust their posture, thereby preventing back injuries and encouraging healthier habits. Aimed at individuals prone to back issues, SpineAlign promises to empower users with actionable insights into their spinal health, fostering preventative care and long-term well-being.