Student Group Spotlight: BMES
By Ana Witkowski and Marguerite Pacheco
Graduate programs can be challenging without a great support system, and Cornell's graduate student chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society (CUBMES) is one organization providing such support to Meinig School students. With a mission to promote biomedical engineering through research, educational outreach, and advocacy of engineering approaches to biology and human health, CUBMES facilitates opportunities for graduate students to develop professionally, socially, and personally at Cornell and beyond.
In normal times, CUBMES organizes in-person events within and external to Cornell. But over the 2020-21 year, the group had to step back and reevaluate how to best serve its peers and community during the pandemic. They worked hard to maintain a presence on campus through coffee hours, trivia nights, and information panels for incoming Ph.D. students. The group also successfully transitioned its largest outreach event, Girl Scout Engineering Day (GSED), online, and extended its reach across the country. With the support of funds raised through Cornell Giving Day, BMES was able to ship event supplies all the way to Texas!
To enhance community engagement and student well being, CUBMES is also taking the lead on pushing for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives at the Meinig School and beyond, working actively to provide a welcoming space for minority students. CUBMES led school conversations on these topics and, together with the student body, developed several initiatives such as hosting movie nights and happy hours to foster conversations on cultural awareness.
Moving forward, CUBMES will continue to prioritize virtual events to maintain accessibility for all, as well as to develop a feedback loop between the student body, the CUBMES executive board, and school leadership, to work toward making mental health initiatives on campus more available to the student population.
The CUBMES team is excited to transition back to in-person general body meetings and continuing support students returning to campus. They can't wait to meet the incoming class of graduate students and last year's cohort in person for the first time.
Any support to CUBMES and its efforts are immensely beneficial, and help the group enhance its programming options and students' growth. To contribute, visit the CUBMES donations page, or look for the BMES Graduate Student Chapter page on Cornell Giving Day in March.
At-A-Glance: Cornell BMES Graduate Chapter
Who we are:
- Meinig School graduate students and a faculty advisor
What we do:
- promote biomedical engineering through research, educational outreach, and advocacy of engineering approaches to biology and human health
- provide avenues for members to develop professionally, socially, and personally, as well as contribute to the community inside and outside of Cornell, by way of:
- Professional Development:
- research visits to potential employers
- video seminars and Q&A with local industry representatives
- networking events, professional skills workshops
- Outreach:
- Girl Scout Engineering Day (GSED)
- Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) workshops for girls
- Family Science Nights at Ithaca Sciencenter
- STEAM Night at local elementary schools
- Community Engagement
- student-faculty happy hours
- events to promote cultural diversity
- holiday party, movie and game nights, wine and paint night, karaoke, apple-picking, and a wine tour
- Professional Development:
Girl Scout Engineering Day 2021 Virtual Programming