Translating innovative health technologies from concept to market.
Welcome new senior lecturer Suélia de Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury Rosa. Read more about Translating innovative health technologies from concept to market.
Carol Hung completed her B.S. in biomedical engineering from Cornell University in 2019 as a Merrill Presidential Scholar. During her undergraduate years, she was a research assistant in the Schaffer-Nishimura Lab, studying cancer metastasis in the brain. She was also involved in iGEM, Cornell’s premier synthetic biology project team, as a member of the wet lab and product development subteams, eventually co-leading the wet lab subteam.
After graduating, Hung forewent her plan to pursue a career in medicine, turning down medical school offers, to pursue a career in medical technology development. She joined Noah Medical Corporation in Redwood City, California, as a clinical engineer, becoming one of their first employees. The medical device startup is building a next-generation robotic platform that targets early diagnosis and treatment of patients. As a clinical engineer, Hung works closely with physicians to understand the operating environment and clinical needs to become an internal expert within the company. Using this knowledge, she represents the clinical perspective in defining and assessing product requirements and performance targets. She works closely with cross-functional teams to develop components and features of the system and to validate performance goals.
Hung credits the Meinig School undergraduate program with her success in this fast-paced environment, providing her with an engineering background and wide breath that enhances her ability to support the diverse engineering teams. In addition, the medical focus Hung maintained throughout her time at Cornell, in combination with the product development focus of the BME capstone course, provided her with relevant experience to engage with clinicians and apply clinical knowledge to product design.