Giving Opportunities
Ways to give to the Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering
Giving and Support
Private gifts are essential and help to advance initiatives within BME that support our capital infrastructure, faculty recruitment and retention, graduate students, and programs. These are in-line with the priorities of the dean and help us to attract top faculty and students.
Our top priorities include our multi-year and multi-phase plan to develop new space for the growth of the Meinig School's research and teaching programs as well as the need for start-up funds as we continue to hire new faculty.
To make a gift, please use the secure online gift form, or send a check made payable to Cornell University to:
Cornell University
PO Box 37334
Boone, IA 50037-0334
Please be sure to indicate your intention to designate your gift to BME.
Corporate matching gifts can also be directed to BME. If your company has a matching gift program, please contact your HR director.
Cornell’s financial advisors can assist you with a number of gift-giving tools (securities, trusts, bequests, and real estate) to meet your family’s financial and philanthropic goals. Please visit the Office of Trusts, Estates, and Gift Planning web site for more information, or call 1-800-481-1865.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Gabriel, jgabriel@cornell.edu, 607-342-2289.