Karin Wang earned her B.E./M.S. (2010) in biomedical engineering from Stony Brook University and her Ph.D. (2015) in biomedical engineering from Cornell University.
Under the supervision of Drs. Delphine Gourdon and Claudia Fischbach-Teschl, she leveraged her background in tissue engineering and biomaterials to probe the structure-function relationship of fibronectin in the developing tumor stroma. For this research, Wang received NSF DGE GK-12 fellowships, invitations to speak at national and international conferences, and travel awards from national societies.
Afterwards, Wang did her postdoctoral training at Harvard University with Dr. Jeffrey J. Fredberg. She worked at the interface of biophysics and cell biology to develop reductionist model systems to identify key physical factors driving collective migration during tumor development. For this research, she was awarded a NIH NCI Ruth L. Kirschstein F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, CMBE Rising Star Award, and BMES Career Development Award.
As of August 2018, Wang is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Bioengineering Department at Temple University. Her lab is focused on integrating principles from tissue engineering, biomaterials science, physics, and cell biology to develop model systems and tools that probe cell-matrix interactions for biomedical applications. Using this interdisciplinary approach, she aims to identify and regulate key mechanobiological drivers of a range of human diseases, with a particular focus on cancer metastasis.